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         The Russian automotive industry.


 The new car as demanded tradition of 18 July 1960 brought to show to the Kremlin. The test-driver of "Communard" Skidanenko A.V. has driven along the building of Cabinet Council USSR with Khrushchev N. S., turned on Ivanovsky square and drove back. The chairman of Cabinet Council USSR said that «Zaporozhets» would be good present for the working population (classes), and that the only thing would be necessary$1 — affordable (accessible) price of that car. So, the price was affirmed at the rate of 18 (eighteen) thousand of rubles (it was old measure of price at that time). But the output of that car was not too large. Zaz-965 and Zaz-965 A recommended itself as very firm and unpretentious cars. Those cars had not bad passing ability because of smooth bottom side (underbody) and good loading of running wheel (60 % from gross vehicle weight (GVW)). But the buyers had some unfavorable criticism concerning the small car trunk (0, 1 cu.m.), bad dynamic of speedup, high-level engine noise, doors with back hinges, and tight salon.

 «Soap-dish», «Hunchback» - as the only not прозывают little юркого «Zaporozhets» 965-th model. Many of us it is with him began his auto biography. Not all, however, know how colorful history has been the first among the «Cossacks».
ZAZ-965 "Zaporozhets" the year of issue 1960-1969, 2-door sedan, motor gasoline carburetor 4V,
air cooling. Engine size: 746/867куб.см.Мощность 23/27л.с. at 4,000 about. The engine at the rear.
Cat 4 stupas. The maximum speed of 90 km per hour. All were released 322166 cars of all modifications. ZAZ-965 earned the nickname the «humpbacked» for its shape body. as a model for the design was taken оценивавшийся as «new» car of the FIAT 600 Italian production with more traditional design and layout. Meanwhile, Soviet designers came to the structure of the Italian prototype quite creative. The body, while retaining similar to «Fiat» power structure, in particular, low located between widely spaced boxes floor panel, which increased the capacity of the car while maintaining acceptable height, - has received more modern outer form, becoming one of the two surround фастбэка with выштамповками on the sidewall, mimicking separate wings, three-dimensional двухдверным sedan with a flat side panel, clearly a dedicated volume of the trunk and the large rear glass, the harmonized with drag (see also external comparison of the car). The doors of the left party placed on the rear of the loop, which provided a more comfortable fit in the salon, but reduced security. But the glass door of the sliding become more comfortable lowering, have appeared «the window». The chassis was applied to more perfect front suspension on the two transverse torsions (so-called system of Porsche, the same was used for the first eponymous спорткарах and Volkswagen-«Beetle») instead of «Fiat» in the transverse springs, as well as calculated on the road of poorer quality increased 13-inch wheels, which required increased wheel arches and change the layout of the vehicle as a whole. The engine and transmission were fully domestic development. «Zaporozhets-965» from the very beginning has been well received by the consumer. For the sake of justice it should be noted that (especially on a machine of the first issue) often torsions front suspension lose elasticity, and in hot weather the engine overheated. But, despite these «childhood diseases», compact immediately showed themselves from the best side in rural areas, areas with poor roads.

Good flow of ZAZ-965 is obliged to smooth the bottom, an independent suspension of all wheels, sufficient loading (60% of the total mass) of the driving wheels. Patency of the «Zaporozhets» a very solid: the small ground clearance, as today the other crossovers: 175 mm, and under the engine and doesn 200 mm. And the bump suspension is not particularly afraid of. In particularly serious cases, when the car was not able to get out of the mud, his crew at a certain effort could always release from captivity weighing only 665 kg of the car.
And one more feature ZAZ-965 him a reputation machine, convenient for group and country roads. On roads with deep ruts left by lorries, a passenger car, even GAZ-69, very hard to go. Between the ruts truck GAZ-51, for example, leaves the firm lane width of about 1150-1200 mm. All cars, «not to sit on differential», should wheels on one side to go on the «hump», and the wheels of the other - to follow the track. Only ZAZ-965 with careful driving able to pass on the space between the deep ruts.
The townspeople quickly appreciated in Zaporozhets his agility, good profitability, high body strength. The latter quality has contributed to the availability of only two of the doors, the openings of which are not so weaken the side, as on machines with four door body. And of course, the engine with the individual cylinders, relatively lightweight and easy to dismantle, have always been able to quickly and easily remove, repair their own «in the kitchen» and without much loss of time put into place. In General, for the Russian people is much more important that «Zaporozhets» cost 1800 rubles of new, and for the «Moskvich»-that - 2500, and «Volga» and was fabulous 5100! Therefore, the ZAZ-965 was for most of its buyers the first car in life. Remember? It is almost as 1st love with its joys and disappointments...
Nine years produced by this machine. And today it is still often found on the roads, and many of its owners consider their ZAZ-965 famous car.

Car - hero of numerous anecdotes, and jokes, for example:

"What kind of car the most quiet?
- «Zaporozhets», when in it sit, ears closed his knees!

Test-drive of ZAZ-965 "Zaporozhets"

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